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Saturday, June 03, 2006

Taurus Facts!

Taurus is the bull. Like Gibraltar, he is solid and steady and nothing disturbs his tranquility. The most fertile places to look for him would be a farm, a bank or a real estate office, but you’ll also find him grazing in other pastures. You can always tell the bull by his strong, silent attitude. But the typical Taurean prefers to move deliberately and speak sparingly.

The bull seldom rushes forward to stomp on your toes. He simply wants to be left alone. Don’t disturb him and he’ll remain contented. Press him and he becomes obstinate. People born under the sun sign will have an intangible, elusive bovine quality about them. The look in the female Taurean’s eyes will be serene and limpid, yet steady. She will move gracefully, indolently, but with a suggestion of hidden strength. As for the males, the neck will often be thick or muscular, the shoulders, chest or back, or all of three, broad and strong. The entire body will be proportioned, whether short or tall.

Taurus is strongly attracted to the opposite sex, but aggressive pursuit of any kind isn’t in his bag of tricks. He prefers to attract people to him. Passivity is the typical behaviour. Taureans would rather entertain hospitably at home than go to the trouble of visiting. Taurus seldom worries, frets or chews his nails. He can pout and brood when things don’t suit his fancy, but he’s not the nervous, twitchy type. Its his nature to be stoic, and take things in his stride. Taurus people are home folks. There’s scarcely a bull who doesn’t love to luxuriate under his own roof and stretch out amid comfortable, and familiar surroundings. Taurus is close to the earth, and the love of the land will come to him eventually, one way or the other. The average bull is superbly healthy, with a strong constitution.

The bull is as stubborn as a human can be and not actually turn into solid stone. Taurean men and women seem glued to both their seats and their opinions. Their funny bones are tickled by broad and slapstick comedy. Taurus humour is warm and earthy, playful and reminiscent of Falstaff. These people are seldom, if ever, really cruel or vindictive. Every Taurean owns some evidence of the Venus lave for art and music. Many Taurus men and women have beautiful voices. Music will always touch their lives in some way, and drawing or painting are often either hobbies or careers.

A Taurean bears emotional and physical burdens in silence for years without complaint. The higher the troubles pile up, the more strength Taurus finds to bear them. His loyalty and devotion to family and friends often surpass all understanding. The sensuous bull is tranquilised by the colour of the sky. Shades of blue bathe his emotions with peace; also rose and pink. The greens and browns of nature calm and sooth him too. Green paper money and a brownstone house will keep him perfectly contented. There’s nothing small about Taurus including his capacity for lasting love and his potential for wealth. Hid home is his castle- and let no man disturb the peace of the bull. Taurus is as patient as time itself, as deep as the forest, with a dependable strength that can move mountains.

This is something that I read about taureans somewhere. I found it to be so true that I felt like sharing it with all. BTW I am a taurean my self!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Hi. I am Kumud.